Teen covered in colorful paint at a festival, a metaphor for the vibrant but potentially chaotic energy from consuming energy drinks
Any teen, any age, can go into any store and purchase an energy drink. Yes, you may be using them to stay up late to study, or in lieu of coffee. They might be the singular reason you were able to pull that all-nighter that saved you from failing history class. Yet, many teens only think of their short-term effects, the good ones, the long-term effects of energy drinks, and not how energy drinks can affect one’s brain in the long run.
Energy drinks are caffeinated beverages that work towards boosting endurance and performance. These soft drinks have very high levels of caffeine. Many teens don’t know what happens if they drink energy drinks every day. Adults should consume no more than 400mg of caffeine daily. Energy drinks vary in caffeine levels, ranging from Red Bull at 80mg to 5-hour Energy at 200mg.
However, the issue is, kids normally don’t just drink one. Research shows that 30-50% of adolescents and young adults consume energy drinks. They don’t realize to what extent these sugary tasting drinks can take a toll on the mental health of your teen.
The primary ingredient in energy drinks that provides the caffeine fix is called Guarana. This plant contains high levels of caffeine and works to stimulate the nervous system, muscles, and heart. Can energy drinks cause Anxiety? The largest side effect noted with Guarana is anxiety. The journal Depression and Anxiety composed a study to understand the links between energy drink consumption and mental health effects of energy drinks on teens.
After surveying over a thousand 20-year-olds, those who drank one or more energy drinks daily reported high rates of anxiety. Many who decide to use an energy drink as a studying boost may already be frantic and anxious. Therefore, by consuming this anxiety-provoking beverage they are doing more harm than good.

Not only can energy drinks increase risk factors for anxiety and depression but these soft drinks can be correlated with teen’s acceptance of drug use and abuse. Key Healthcare offers various teen drug addiction treatments for adolescents struggling with these addictions. Data from 2010-2018 discovered that more than 50% of teens who consumed multiple energy drinks in a day did not disapprove of regular or even heavy soft drug usage, and did not perceive hard drugs as risky behavior. These side effects of energy drinks on teens are very serious and concerning. In this context, it’s also important to consider mental health; knowing 5 ways on how to get over depression can be immensely helpful.

What Happens When Teens Start Using Energy Drinks?

Being drinking is a millennial problem nowadays, a large concern is when teens start to discover that energy drinks can be paired with alcohol. Johns Hopkins found that 27% of college students mix energy drinks and alcohol at least once a month. Each element is bad for the mind and body separately but this mix is extremely dangerous and can create heart arrhythmias and long-term mental health effects of energy drinks on teens.

Key Healthcare is an addiction and teen mental health treatment center in los angeles which also provides a Sober Living Program. We also provide evidence-based treatment (such as autism residential treatment for teens) to those struggling with issues such as autism spectrum disorder, addiction, trauma, ADHD, and OCD. We also are well-known rehab center known for our top-notch teen mental health services.

So, What Should You Do?

At the moment it may seem like the only solution is to drink 5 Hour Energy and pull an all-nighter, but there are other ways to gain energy. Try even eating a few squares of dark chocolate, a cup of tea, or taking a 15-minute power nap. All of these will boost your energy without providing the long-term mental health risks that come with energy drinks. Contact us for help today.