This Article Covers the Following:
- Definition of teen addiction
- The importance of aftercare programs
- The types of aftercare programs available for recovering teens
- How to choose the right aftercare program for a recovering teenager
- Importance of family involvement in teen addiction recovery
- How teenagers can stay sober after rehab
Adolescence is a necessary developmental stage for teenagers. It generally increases their desire to experiment, which may push some into risky behaviors such as drug abuse, treated through, among other options, rehabilitation. Teen rehab aftercare programs or Teen Residential Treatment Programs are unleashed after successful rehabilitation to help teenagers in addiction or mental health recovery access the right support, education, and resources to stay on track with their recovery and maintain long-term sobriety.
This article will look into some of the aftercare services for teens in recovery offered by Key Healthcare.
Understanding Teen Addiction and the Need for Aftercare Programs
Defining Teen Addiction
Teen addiction can be loosely defined as teenagers’ compulsive craving or use of habit-generating substances. It is a mental health disorder that can result in social, health, and economic problems, such as chronic diseases, academic difficulties, legal consequences, and poor peer relationships.
Benefits of Aftercare Programs for Teen Addiction Recovery
Teen Aftercare programs also known as teen extended care programs are designed to help patients treated for a substance use disorder fully recover. They promote sobriety and enhance the achievement of life objectives by helping teens deal with stressors, triggers, and cravings that may lead to relapse. The right aftercare programs also help patients cope with issues they didn’t have to deal with while in the treatment center.
Types of Essential Teen Aftercare Programs
The main types of teen aftercare programs are outpatient aftercare and inpatient aftercare.
Outpatient Aftercare Programs for Teen Addiction Recovery
Outpatient aftercare programs are offered without admissions. Instead of staying in the treatment center after successful rehabilitation, teenagers are reunited with their parents and family members, who are then taught how to support them in their recovery journey. At Key Healthcare, we offer outpatient relapse prevention planning and aftercare support to help teenagers stay on track and successfully recover. It may last 4-12 weeks, depending on the teenager’s response to the program.
Benefits and Drawbacks of Outpatient Aftercare Programs for Teen Addiction Recovery
Benefits include less disruption, multiple levels of care in a single program, family support, reduced costs compared to inpatient aftercare programs, and high levels of privacy. Drawbacks include a lack of 24-hour supervision and burdening of family members.
Inpatient Aftercare Programs for Teen Recovery
Unlike outpatient aftercare, inpatient aftercare programs require teen admission. Teenagers reside in the treatment facility where they get daily meals, participate in recreational activities, attend life skills groups, obtain academic support, learn accountability and responsibility by participating in daily chores, and take up fitness activities such as running and yoga. Benefits include better relationship-building with peers and adults, better monitoring and support, passion development, and increased independence.
Other teen aftercare programs include:
Sober Living Aftercare Programs for Teen Addiction Recovery
Teen sober living aftercare programs give adolescent the tools needed for personal growth and maintaining sobriety. They engage in common activities such as individual and group therapies, schooling, meal preparation, and giving back to the community. They also get to exercise and participate in several recreational activities. Some skills learned from this aftercare program include coping with stress and emotions, decision-making, critical thinking, problem-solving, taking responsibility, positive studying, social skills, and effective communication.
Pros and Cons of Sober Living Aftercare Programs
Benefits include less stigma and shame, unity, mutual accountability, and shared goals and visions. Drawbacks include teenage isolation from the outside environment, vicarious suffering brought about by relapse, and relatively less supervision and support.
Family Support Aftercare Programs for Teen Addiction Recovery
Family support aftercare programs are centered on family members. They help families develop good communication and support strategies to help their loved ones recover. Such programs also help improve conflict resolution skills, increase empathy and understanding, and better family relationships.
Essential Services of Teen Aftercare Programs
Individual Counseling and Therapy for Teen Addiction Recovery
Individual teen therapy for teen addiction is a fundamental aftercare program for recovering teens, as it allows closed, judgment-free discussions with qualified therapists. This therapy is crucial for encouraging positive self-talk teens need, helping them develop healthy coping strategies to prevent cases of relapse. It also offers an avenue for teens to understand their feelings and thought patterns, improve self-actualization, work on addiction triggers, and set boundaries.
Components of Individual Counseling and Therapy in Teen Aftercare Programs
Individual therapy and counseling in teen aftercare programs consist of one-on-one meetings between teenagers and therapists that last up to an hour. Therapy methods used during individual therapy sessions include cognitive behavioral therapy, motivational interviewing, acceptance and commitment therapy, and dialectical behavior therapy. At Key Healthcare, we offer acceptance & commitment therapy and lack of motivation therapy, among others, as part of our individual therapy program to help teenagers fully recover.
Group Therapy and Support for Teen Addiction Recovery
In teen group therapy for teen addiction, a professional therapist or counselor brings together teens sharing similar issues, such as mental health or substance abuse recovery. This form of therapy teaches healthy coping skills to prevent teenagers from getting overwhelmed post-rehabilitation and returning to their old habits. It also provides a community where recovering adolescents can recognize how addiction has destroyed their lives and ways of liaising with one another to work out solutions. Other benefits include improved social skills, increased self-awareness, greater empathy, and reduced social isolation or feelings of loneliness.
Components of Group Therapy and Support in Aftercare Programs for Addiction Recovery
Group therapy sessions consist of one professional therapist and eight to nine teenagers, depending on the program. The sessions begin with the therapist introducing the topic and offering an overview of what is to be covered, after which the participants discuss their feelings and experiences with the guidance and support of the counselor. The teenagers also get the necessary resources and tools to help them develop healthy coping skills and positively change their lives.
Life Skills and Education for Teen Addiction Recovery
Teenagers should be taught a few necessary life skills after rehab to help them embark on their sobriety journey, succeed in their daily lives, and fully recover. Such skills include managing finances, performing certain chores (to keep their rooms and general surroundings clean), practicing self-care, maintaining healthy relationships, effective time management, and goal-setting. Learning new skills can also help improve their social prowess, promote independence, and increase their ambition for continued success. Lastly, such skills help prevent relapse by boosting teenagers’ confidence.
Finding the Right Teen Aftercare Program for Your Teen’s Addiction Recovery
What to Look for in a Teen Aftercare Program for Addiction Recovery
- Accreditation and Certifications
The state should license the treatment facility offering the aftercare program. It should also observe certain guidelines, policies, and standards a respected addiction and mental health treatment organization sets. Check out for the following accreditations and certifications: CRF accreditation, Joint Commission accreditation, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) certification, and the National Association for Behavioral Care certifications.
- Location
The location of the mental healthcare facility or treatment center is equally necessary. Ensure your teenage child and family can easily access the facility, especially if you intend to settle on an outpatient aftercare program.
- Insurance
Aftercare programs can be expensive, especially if undertaken within the facility. Therefore, settle on an option that can be covered fully by your child’s insurance cover, such as our Key Healthcare programs.
Questions to Ask When Choosing a Teen Aftercare Program for Addiction Recovery
Ensure that you have the answers to the following questions before picking an aftercare program for your teenage child:
What is the Staff-To-Patient Ratio in the Teen Aftercare Program?
The facility offering the aftercare program should be adequately staffed to ensure that your teenage child gets maximum attention from health professionals for a full recovery. In our facility, for example, one counselor or therapist caters to only eight or nine teenagers in a group therapy session, which is quite outstanding.
What Types of Therapies and Activities are Offered in the Teen Aftercare Program?
The therapy options offered by the teen aftercare program should cater to individuals, groups, and families. Also, check whether there are mindful activities such as yoga and recreational therapies such as surfing and music.
How Involved Are Family Members in the Teen Aftercare Program?
Choose a program that allows family members to participate fully in their loved one’s recovery. For instance, it should offer teen family therapy to help family members find better ways of communicating with and supporting their loved ones.
Financial Considerations for Teen Aftercare Programs for Addiction Recovery
Here are a few financial factors to consider when choosing a teen aftercare program for your teenage child’s full recovery:
- Insurance coverage – Settle on a program that can be paid for through rehab insurance Los Angeles coverage since aftercare programs can be expensive. (Verify Your Insurance online)
- Low-cost free aftercare programs for teen addiction recovery- You can compare the cost of aftercare programs in different facilities and settle on an option you can pay for comfortably, provided you don’t compromise on certain essential provisions. Alternatively, consider free aftercare programs offered by community organizations and NGOs.
- Budgeting and planning for aftercare program costs- You will have to incur other costs, such as transportation, even if your teenage child’s treatment is fully funded by your or their insurance. It’s therefore important to plan and budget for such expenses beforehand.
Importance of Family Involvement in Teen Addiction Recovery
How Family Involvement Affects Teen Addiction Recovery
To understand the effect of family involvement in teen addiction recovery, we will examine the family’s role in recovery and the benefits of family therapy.
The Roles Played by the Family in Teen Addiction Recovery
- Encouraging the recovering family member to stay sober through positive and thoughtful actions
- Holding the teenager accountable for their behavior
- Rewarding positive choices
- Attending support groups with the recovering teenager
- Creating healthy boundaries
Benefits of Family Therapy in Teen Addiction Recovery
- It allows families to gain a better understanding of addiction and its impacts on behavior and brain function
- Families learn how to navigate agencies such as the school and justice systems
- It helps reduce conflict
- It helps families come up with good communication strategies for better communication
- It helps families better understand how they can support their loved ones without enabling them.
- It equips parents with the necessary skills needed to support their children during recovery
- It helps the teenager develop problem-solving skills and find a purpose in life
- It motivated the teen to work towards getting clean
Staying Sober After Teen Addiction Recovery
Common Triggers for Relapse in Teen Addiction Recovery
Here are some of the reasons teens may relapse after addiction treatment:
- Reconnecting with old drug-using friend groups
- Overexposure to social situations associated with heavy drug use
- Boredom
- Loneliness and feelings of isolation
- A feeling of false confidence
- Anxiety
- Exposure to drugs within the home setting
How Teens Can Stay Sober After Addiction Recovery
- Staying busy by taking up new hobbies and activities or joining youth organizations.
- Fully cutting ties with old associations
- Having a good support system in place
- Attending therapy for co-occurring disorders such as anxiety
- Avoiding bars, clubs, and other establishments where drugs and alcohol are sold
- Exercising and eating well
A good aftercare program can also help teenagers stay sober after addiction recovery by equipping them with the skills and coping habits needed to live a sober, healthy, and productive life.
Addressing Mental Health in Teen Aftercare Programs for Addiction Recovery
Teen addiction recovery can take a huge toll on the teenagers mental health. It’s therefore important to ensure that they are mentally well as they participate in aftercare programs, which can be done by:
- Incorporating therapy for co-occurring mental health disorders such as anxiety in their aftercare programs
- Encouraging mindfulness and other techniques to help promote mental health
- Encouraging regular mental health check-ins alongside the aftercare program.
A teenager getting addicted to substances can be traumatizing to a parent. However, like most illnesses, addiction can be overcome with treatment and support. Aftercare programs exist to support and educate teenagers in their recovery journey, lowering the chances of relapse. Kindly help your child fully participate in these programs and develop the necessary skills for long-term recovery.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What are the Common Signs of Teen Addiction?
Warning signs of addiction in teens include:
- Irresponsible behavior
- Avoiding eye contact
- Regular breaking of curfews
- Teenager Lying
- Teen caught stealing
- Sudden poor academic performance
- Changes in social circles
- Sudden loss of interest in hobbies or activities
- Increased absenteeism
- Outright lying or increased excuses
- Sudden increased secretiveness
- Poor hygiene
- Changes in appearance
- Irritability, paranoia, fidgeting, and anxiety
- Rapid weight loss or gain
- Hyperactivity or extreme tiredness
- Difficulty staying focused
How Long Do Aftercare Programs Typically Last for Teen Addiction Recovery?
Aftercare programs can run from 4-12 weeks, depending on factors such as the duration spent in the rehabilitation or treatment center and the severity of your teenager’s addiction/condition.
Can Teens Recover from Addiction Without Aftercare Programs?
Teenagers on a recovery journey may find it hard to cope with certain triggers and impulses after some time, which may lead to a relapse, especially if they do not have an aftercare program. Addiction treatment and recovery is a life-long process that goes beyond treatment.
Are there Aftercare Programs that Involve Outdoor or Adventure Therapy for Teen Addiction Recovery?
Yes. At Key Healthcare, we offer outdoor and adventure therapy, such as surfing, art therapy, and music therapy, as part of our aftercare programs to help teenagers recover from addiction. For added motivation, we always ensure that our patients have fun during their recovery journey.
Can Teens Attend School or Work While Participating in Aftercare Programs for Addiction Recovery?
Yes. Options such as outpatient aftercare programs are less disruptive, giving teenagers freedom to go about their lives provided they attend regular sessions as dictated by the program. Sober living and inpatient aftercare programs also have education plans for teenagers to ensure that they do not ignore their schoolwork. However, teenagers in such facilities may not be at liberty to attend work.
How Do Aftercare Programs for Teen Addiction Recovery Differ from Adult Programs?
Aftercare programs for adults recovering from addiction must consider factors such as their career and family life and are, therefore, mostly outpatient. On the other hand, most teens only have to worry about their schooling, which is catered for by the education programs offered by inpatient and sober living aftercare programs, making them more flexible for inpatient treatment. Additionally, teenagers can have undiagnosed mental health issues whose treatment must be catered for in their aftercare programs, unlike adults who are most likely aware of their mental health issues and are already treating/ have already treated them.
How Do I Know If My Teen Needs Addiction Treatment?
Signs that a teenager needs addiction treatment include a significant drop in academic performance or grades, a notable change in physical appearance (e.g., bloodshot eyes, unexpected weight loss, random nosebleeds), unexplained changes in behavior (such as multiple cases of lying, stealing, reckless driving, increased stress or unexplained changes in interests and hobbies) and a secretive attitude (such as frequent locking of doors, staying out later than normal with peers, irregular daily/evening schedules and avoiding questions).
What are Some Alternative Therapies for Teen Addiction Recovery?
Alternative therapies for teens with substance use disorders are generally holistic. We offer options such as surf therapy, yoga, art therapy, music production, and exercise therapy at Key Healthcare. Bring your teens to us and let them have fun as they recover.
What are the Risks of Not Participating in Aftercare Programs for Teen Addiction Recovery?
Teens with substance abuse disorders who do not participate in aftercare programs after they are done with rehabilitation face an increased risk of relapse, as they may find it hard to cope with longer durations of sobriety. At Key Healthcare, we have excellent aftercare programs to help your teen to cope with the stress and triggers that may lead to a relapse. We will also equip your teenager with other essential skills for long-term recovery.