The Most Common Drugs Used By Teens

What are drugs?


Drugs are substances created for health benefits. It alters or stimulates chemical reactions in our bodies. Doctors prescribe them to cure, diagnose and promote wellness.

Drugs are usually swallowed, injected, or inhaled. They are beneficial as long as they are not used in excess.


Many drugs get into the bloodstream and affect the brain, dulling or intensifying the senses. They might change how tired or alert one might feel and hinder the ability to make reasonable decisions.

Why Do Teenagers Take Drugs?



If a peer or their best friend offers them alcohol and drugs, chances are they will accept if they are susceptible to social pressure.

Teens often use alcohol or drugs because it helps them deal with the symptoms of anxiety or depression.

To cope with the school pressure and meet the expectations of their peers, parents, or teachers, teens might use stimulants and performance-enhancing drugs.

Peer Pressure

Self-Medication & Escapism

Performance Improvement



To Feel Grown Up

Statistic of Drug Abuse Among Teens

Teenagers are naturally curious. They might want to know how it feels to be drunk or high.

Some drink or smoke because they want to feel grown-up. The very idea of using illicit drugs seems thrilling to them.

– Kids as young as 8th graders are often seen drinking and smoking – 50% of teens have consumed drugs – 43% of college students use illicit drugs – 86% of teens are socializing with substance abusers

What Are The Most Common Drugs Used By Teens?


Alcohol - The most abused substance in LA.

Marijuana - A psychoactive drug with the active additives of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).

Cocaine - A white powdery substance used due to its euphoric stimulant effects.

Crack Cocaine - a yellowish rock simply as “crack.” It is smoked to have an instant, intense, and short-lasting effect.


What is The Number One Drug Used By Teens?


Marijuana and Heroin are thought to be the most abused substances, but in reality, it is alcohol. is the most widely used drug among teens, and its related issues are the number one health problem in the United States.


Three Main Drug Types: 


Depressants are drugs that affect the neurons of the central nervous system (CNS) and impede their normal functions. The symptoms are drowsiness, decreased inhibition, relaxation, anesthesia, coma, in the worst-case scenarios, death.

C. Hallucinogens

B. Stimulants

Stimulants cause appetite loss, high blood pressure, and increased heart rate and body temperature. 


A. Depressants

Hallucinogens can be made from mushrooms and plants or be synthetic and human-made.

Four Common Depressants Used By Teens


1. Cannabis or Marijuana

2. Hashish

3. GHB / Fantasy

4 Alcohol

Marijuana is a psychoactive drug with the additive delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).

Hashish is a concentrated formula of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). It is produced from the same plants that yield marijuana.

Gamma hydroxybutyrate, or GHB, is a depressant that slows down the function of the central nervous system and the communication between the body and the brain.

Alcohol is one of the most used drugs by teens that are widely accessible, and also very popular needs little introduction.

Three Common Stimulants Used By Teens


1. Cocaine

2. Ecstasy

3. Methamphetamines

This stimulant, also known as 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine, or MDMA, combines increasing energy/alertness and creating hallucinogenic effects.

A white powdery substance used due to its euphoric stimulant effects.

Methamphetamine is a powerful and highly addictive chemical substance. Used as illegally as a stimulant, it directly affects the body's central nervous system.


Two Common Hallucinogens or Psychedelics Used By Teens

1. LSD / Acid

2. Magic Mushrooms

Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), commonly referred to as acid, is a form of psychedelic drug. When consumed in large doses, it affects sensory perception, intensifies thoughts and emotions, and ultimately results in hallucinations.

Psilocybin mushrooms are also used as recreational drugs.


Short-term effects of Teen Drug Use

– Hallucinations – Loss of personal identity – Increased heart rate (risk of heart attack) – Increased risk of stroke – Memory issues – Severe anxiety and paranoia – Strange behavior (psychosis) – Panic – Problems with coordination – Sexual problems (especially in men) – Seven times higher probability of having sexually transmitted diseases (especially in women)


Long-Term Effects of Teen Drug Use

– Addiction – Relationship problems, violence against partners – Antisocial behavior, including stealing money or lying – Financial difficulties – Increased welfare dependence – Poor school performance, higher chance of dropping out – Impaired thinking, ability to learn and to perform complex tasks – Lower life satisfaction

Guidelines to Walk You Through Your Relationship With Your Children


NCADD claims that fostering the right attitude is necessary. Valuing your child’s opinions and decisions makes a difference in preventing the use of drugs and alcohol.


Here are some guidelines to help you foster your relationship.



Listen Before You Talk

Ask Open-Ended Questions

As Parents, must be open and consider their feelings. And so, we have to listen. Listen and observe.

Be Involved

Meet your children’s friends and their parents. Reach out to see how they are spending their time together.

When talking to your children, avoid “yes/no” questions. Make sure to listen to understand. You have to make them feel heard.

Be Honest, Open, and Optimist

Open communication between you and your children can reduce alcohol and drug abuse.


Talk About Your Family History

Clearly say that you do not want them to consume alcohol or drugs. Explain to them the consequences and punishments if they break the rules. At the same time, reward your child if they do well in school.

Set Expectations, Consequences, and Limits

Addiction might be connected to genetics. If there is a family history of drug or alcohol abuse, consider that it might be a chronic disease, like heart issues, cancer, or diabetes.




