how to participate in adolescent treatment program as a parent

How Can Parents Participate in An Adolescent's Treatment?

We understand that seeing one of your children deal with addiction can be disheartening. It can even happen to kids as young as 14 years old. When you notice serious physical and mental changes in your child, they might need professional help.
This is where medical associations come in. Rehabilitation facilities endeavor to assist the ever-increasing number of addicted teenagers in fighting their issues and guiding parents to manage these types of situations.

Numerous types of treatments, including Los Angeles adolescent outpatient programs and teen rehab aftercare program are available to ensure that your child fully recovers from the effects of alcohol and drugs. These treatments are structured carefully to help individuals develop measures to avoid triggers and relapses. If you’re wondering how can parents participate in an adolescent’s treatment, keep reading.

The Importance of Parental Involvement

Most teens are exposed to addictive substances at a very early age. The probability of them consuming said substances is high. It was proven that about 1 in 8 households have either one or both parents dealing with substance abuse. This leaves children exposed to an environment where consuming drugs seems the norm.
Given that this kind of environment is not ideal for raising a child, there is a type of therapy that involves the parents called Family Teen Therapy. We at Key Healthcare provides the best teen mental health services which will help your troubled child to fight through their various addictions. Contact us today for the help!
During this treatment, a professional therapist will examine the household situation and the triggers that may have caused the addiction. They will seek to improve the relationship between the children and the parents.

Ways That Parents Can Participate Their Adolescent Child's Treatment

Every family member will have their own thoughts on the matter, but ultimately, the only thing that matters is your child’s recovery. Know that dealing with addiction is nothing to be ashamed of. You must do everything you can for your child.
Some parents can see the signs but are hesitant to seek professional help. Please do not wait or ignore those signs, especially when a child might be involved. Below we will discuss what you can do during a Family Teen Therapy session.

Willingly Participate in the Therapy While Understanding that it is for Your Child's Recovery

As you know, having a support system is essential when it comes to addiction treatments. Participating in the therapy will greatly assist your child and help them understand the gravity of their situation. With a support system, they can get the strength to overcome their addiction.
Find out and understand the underlying causes that lead your teenager to seek out the comfort of addictive substances. By participating in the Family Teen Therapy, you will show your support and let them know that you will always be there for them.

Let Your Teen Open Up and Speak for Themselves

It is crucial to listen to what your child has to say. One of the main reasons why a teenager might suffer from depression or anxiety is the pressure or stress they experience in life. Perhaps they feel overwhelmed by their environment or studies and seek to rebel with their peers rather than bond with their family.
Many teens do drugs and alcohol as a way to rebel and take control. The Family Teen Therapy helps everyone understand this situation and end that negative phase. Most importantly, it allows your child to speak their side and tell you why they chose this path.

Never Invalidate Your Child's Feelings

Your family might experience hiccups along the way, but regardless of your child’s mistakes in the past, it is best not to judge them and let them know that you are proud of their progress.
That’s the kind of attitude your child needs at the moment. It will strengthen their resolve to know that their loved ones are proud of them. Always support them, even after they have dealt with their addiction issues.

Allow Your Child to Be Open with You About Their Progress in the Therapy

As a parent, you must be aware of everything that’s going on in therapy. Since we’re talking about your child’s welfare, it is only logical to be up-to-date and see if the process is working.
Talk to your teen about their day, but don’t pry too much about their progress. Doing so may strengthen your relationship with your child, and of course, see if you can help them further. However, make sure not to force them to talk with you if they are not feeling like it.

Try to Share Your Personal Experiences With Therapy

Being in a new environment like a teen drug rehab facility can be intimidating to teens. That feeling can prevent them from participating in the activities and lead to slow progress. What you can do is assure them that they are in a safe place and speak to them about your own experiences with therapy, substance use, or simply the issues you had to deal with when you were their age.

Supporting your children will help them greatly. Depending on the severity of their addiction, they might be classified as inpatients, meaning they will be housed in the facility itself. There is a structured program or schedule that they will follow to fight back against their addiction slowly. Your child might fear being in an unknown environment, so do your best to be involved as much as possible, and let them know that you are always there for them.